The exhibition Reinventing Touch. Sensory practices in digital childhoods presents camera ethnographic research from the project “Early Childhood and Smartphone” to the public. Video installations and hands-on exhibits offer visitors different ways to immerse themselves in the topic of sensory practices in digital childhoods and to become co-researchers themselves. The recently published book with the same title serves as a catalogue of the exhibition, which in turn can be understood as a transposition of the book project into a performative experience. Both book and exhibition bring about encounters between different approaches and perspectives that spark new thought trajectories: Laboratories of gazes.
The exhibition was first shown in May and June 2023 at the “Haus der Wissenschaft” in Siegen. Further venues are planned and will be announced on LinkedIn.
This exhibition was produced by Bina E. Mohn, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl, the camera ethnographic research team of the research project “Early Childhood and Smartphone”, together with its leader Jutta Wiesemann, within the Collaborative Research Center “Media of Cooperation” at the University of Siegen. Realized in collaboration with greinerdesign and hosted by the Haus der Wissenschaft, Siegen.